Title: Henry S. Ballard Collection on Abraham Lincoln, after 1863 November-1990

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The Henry S. Ballard Collection on Abraham Lincoln is arranged chronologically.
Henry S. Ballard Jr. (1910-1990) was a member of the Denison Universty Class of 1931. During his life, he researched and collected materials about United States President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865).
Administrative/Biographical History
Henry S. Ballard Jr. (1910-1990) graduated from Denison University in 1931 with a bachelor's degree in Economics. As a student, he was a member of the American Commons Club. Ballard earned a JD (Jurius Doctor) degree from The Ohio State University in 1934. He worked as an attorney and advisor with the aeronautical systems division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Ballard died on December 28, 1990 at age 80.