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Christianity in China Project (subject file) | Archives and Special Collections Catalog

Letter of Inquiry from authors of the Christianity in China Project
Letter of Inquiry from authors of the Christianity in China Project (JPEG Image, 3.1 MB)
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Christianity in China Project (subject file)

Authors of Christianity in China: A Scholars' Guide to Resources in the Libraries and Archives of the United States, were working on their second edition of the book in 1998 and contacted Denison to see if Denison had any updates from the previous edition. The updates the Archives had were: Ann Doster Cossum Collection, 1920-27, 110 letters, Faculty-Personal Papers: Kirtley F. Mather (12 PM 1), 1914-49, 158 items, General Publications and Biographies File, 1868-1979, 30 items, and University Relations and Development- 10Lx-Alumni, 1962, 1 item. The folder lists what are in these sections, but does not have the documents.

The Ann Doster Cossum Collection has "Dear Mother" letters written to her family about her life as a missionar wife and mother, as her husband Wilfred W. Cossum was an educational missionary for the Ameican Baptist Foreign Mission Society in West China.

The Faculty-Personal Papers has 154 letters between Kirtley F. Mather, his undergraduate friends and his missionary friends, "mini-autobiographies" of two of the missionary friends, Leslie and Marion Moss, a watercolor from China, and a death notice of Leslie and Marion Moss.

In General Publications, 9 letters between Baptist missionaries, an original manuscript and typescript of "Sea Journal, Voyage of the Sailing Ship," a pamphlet titled "Studies in Theology in the Orient," several obituaries of missionaires, reprints of several books, journals, and articles, and a photo of a missionary, William Ashmore Sr.

In University relations, there is a list of eminent alumni, which includes China missionaries.

Phys. Desc:
Correspondence letters, a list of what new information Denison has about Christianity in China.
SUBJ 013

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